Roei Hazut

Roei Hazut

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase" - Martin Luther King

I am a B2C marketing specialist with 8 years of experience building B2C marketing strategies and leading a marketing team with achievements and accomplishments.

I see marketing as a power to change people's mindsets and normalize the exceptional by communicating and affecting people's emotions using great stories and creating empathy. Rather you ask me to generate votes for the next prime minister or make your online marketplace an editor-choice of the year, I am ready to deliver.

My right and left lobes are totally balanced, thanks to my 5 years of experience as an Art Director, Designer and conceptualizer. My video commercials reach 4M of views and my creative designs have been presented on over 30 meters billboards’ highest.
For the last 5 years, I built brands and led marketing teams in travel, software, and deep-tech startups, by taking data-driven based decisions, empowering the people beside me, and ripping my ass off.

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